
You are a Brand!

Personal Brand (noun):  A category of services/skills that are provided by a particular person.

Even if you don’t think you are a brand, you are. Now is the time to take control of your brand – especially if you are beginning your job search. You may not think that this is an important part of the job search process, but if you skip this step you will end up doing yourself a disservice. Establishing your personal brand is an important step to stand out in a competitive job market.

Here is a truncated process that should help guide you as you develop your brand. Please take your time when answering these questions. And we strongly suggest that you review your answers with some trusted friends, family and co-workers as this outside input is authentic and powerful as you work to hone your brand.

  1. Identify the primary “service” that you have to offer to companies. What are you particularly great at delivering?
  2. Identify your core values/passion. What is important to you? What do you stand for? What do you love doing?
  3. Identify your talents. What do you do better than most people? If you ask your colleagues, friends and family what you do well, what would they say? 
  4. Now that you have your primary service and a list of core values and talents – select the top five that are the most important to you.
  5. Begin to write a summary of your “primary service” that includes the top five items that are important to you.
  6. Now you want to come up with a tagline. This should be a short phrase/sentence that describes what you do.

Your personal brand is important! It is what you are known for and how people perceive you. It helps to showcase what you do and how you do it. That message should be clear and consistent throughout your job search (and should truly be extended past your job search).

If you would like more information or a more detailed worksheet to help build your personal brand, please email us at